Hello World!!!
It has been a while since I have been able to speak with you. There has been some new things that happened to me... I have two jobs now!!
I work in retail in a stock position and now I work as a part time secretary...
Now I really have crunched time to spend for everything that I need to do.
Since I have been so busy, I couldn't find much time to exercise so I bought the Reeboks Easytone shoes so I can have a work out while I'm working in the retail job. the retail job is mostly overnight shipments so I don't have to wear clothes that are too professional.
But this new job I have is a desk job obviously since I'm a secretary hehe.
But before I got this job I told myself and select few that when I get a secretary job at the university that I graduated from, I will buy myself a carnivourous plant (a Venus Flytrap) from thinkgeek.com but I never gone about doing that. Then one day... my wonderful love bought me a "Grow your own Venus Flytrp" kit.
I asked my supervisor if I could gorw it, and she said yes. When I asked my boss if I could, he told mer "as long as it doesn't go on my chair". So I'm taking that as a yes.
Then my besties took me out to dinner and one of them gave me a desktop aquarium and I am totally putting that in my desk haha. The desktop aquarium has two small magnetic fish and has some gravel, a plastic plant and a magnetic wand to move the fish. The boss man did say he welcomes all plants and fish. He didn't say what kind of fish ^_^
That is all I can give you for this time. I will show you all pictures of the process of the flytrap and the desktop aquarium.
This Venus Flytrap would be one of my new adventures. So join me on...
MY Yellow Brick Road!!